I See You... Ministry is inspired of the Holy Spirit
and designed to encourage, uplift, and remind the faithful that God sees them. I See You... greeting cards and more, say it all. Signed by you or given anonymously - God's hand is upon them to remind His servants that they are truly seen. So, go ahead and spread the word: I See You... |
My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land. Psalm 101:6a
My Third Book!
From the back of the book:
A tale of love.
Letters. Fragile pieces of history found in a drawer, tucked away in the corners of a desk, or tied with a red ribbon. Words on paper, folded, placed into an envelope, stamped, and mailed to points around the country, even around the world. Tangible reminders that tell the story of a family.
From the Armed Forces ...
He was a Sailor, traveling to the Far East on a Navy destroyer, crossing the equator to become a Shellback, longing to be reunited with the "purty miss" he left behind.
... to Archaeology ...
He was an avocational archaeologist, walking the plowed fields of Wisconsin, looking for ancient artifacts, working alongside the PhDs at MVAC preserving prehistory.
... to Alzheimer's:
He was a family man, sinking into the morass of an insidious disease from which there was no escape, slowly but surely losing himself until he went home to glory.
We read what is written; can we decipher what is unwritten? There are lessons to be learned from the lives of those who have left behind the legacy of the written word. May the story of my family, as told through the nearly lost art of letter writing, capture your heart and imagination.
Letters. Fragile pieces of history found in a drawer, tucked away in the corners of a desk, or tied with a red ribbon. Words on paper, folded, placed into an envelope, stamped, and mailed to points around the country, even around the world. Tangible reminders that tell the story of a family.
From the Armed Forces ...
He was a Sailor, traveling to the Far East on a Navy destroyer, crossing the equator to become a Shellback, longing to be reunited with the "purty miss" he left behind.
... to Archaeology ...
He was an avocational archaeologist, walking the plowed fields of Wisconsin, looking for ancient artifacts, working alongside the PhDs at MVAC preserving prehistory.
... to Alzheimer's:
He was a family man, sinking into the morass of an insidious disease from which there was no escape, slowly but surely losing himself until he went home to glory.
We read what is written; can we decipher what is unwritten? There are lessons to be learned from the lives of those who have left behind the legacy of the written word. May the story of my family, as told through the nearly lost art of letter writing, capture your heart and imagination.
Alzheimer's, Archaeology,
and the Armed Forces
is Available at:
Westbow Press,
and your favorite bookseller
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Copyright 2010-2025, S. Steele. All of the artwork and inspirational texts for I See You... Ministry (recognizing the faithful)'s greeting cards and more is protected by copyright laws. All rights reserved. Contents of website are also under copyright 2012-2025. Also, all flower pictures were taken by S. Steele, and therefore, are also copyrighted. Other pictures used on the website are taken from the Public Domain--thank you to those contributors.